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Hobbs and Shaw 2 Trailer HD – Dwayne Johnson,Jason Statham

Hobbs and Shaw 2 Trailer HD – Dwayne Johnson,Jason Statham

According to Hobbs and Shaw 2 release date (expected), it could be coming to theaters in 2023.

Soon after the release of the first Hobbs and Shaw movie, Dwayne Johnson took to Twitter to announce

that a Hobbs and Shaw 2 trailer will be coming out. You can watch the new trailer here on Youtube.

He announced that the trailer will be arriving soon and people can expect the hype to go up. In the tweet,

Dwayne Johnson talked about what people could expect from the trailer. He said, “Coming to you soon,”

which he followed up by tweeting “So much going on, but today I have a very important announcement.

But for now, let’s let that teaser speak for itself.” He concluded the tweet with #HobbsAndShaw2. But later he even told no news about the sequel. It was all a mess.

While the cast and characters will not be revealed just yet, there are many reported returns and a big

announcement for Elba as well. The cast members of the film. He is himself trying to hunt down Hobbs (Johnson) and his former ally Belle (Ilfenesh Hadera).

Also, according to Comic Book, Shaw will try to hunt down his father and take him out. Shaw is a Berlin

criminal. Also according to The Hollywood Reporter, the movie will have a plot similar to the Fast & Furious movies. Since the release of the franchise, the franchise has gotten bigger than ever.

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source https://live567media.com/hobbs-and-shaw-2-trailer-hd-dwayne-johnsonjason-statham/

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